

Montag, 23. Mai 2011

When you fall down ...

"When you fall down... you get back up though... you always do."

source : http://vimeo.com/14622141

Dienstag, 15. Juli 2008

Muzu – your music TV

Muzu – your music TV


“ Your Music TV- Where bands, artists, festivals, venues, broadcasters, music magazines and more broadcast their music TV on the web ”

Samstag, 1. Dezember 2007

Vois - soc. Commerce

The current VOIS.COM website is an ALPHA site and we are developing and will launch the new VOIS website in the coming months. Although the website's look and feel will change with the launch of the new VOIS website, we intend to add and test new features prior to the launch. We are therefore very happy to register and add users prior to the launch to use the VOIS service as it evolves

Freitag, 23. November 2007

How goGOOROO works

Wieder eine (Video)Plattform aus den Tiefen der Vergessenheit:

What's goGOOROO?

goGOOROO is a user-generated online guide for broadband channels and videos. Think of it as your personal Internet TV guide that helps you navigate the vast ocean of online television.

Unlike traditional program guides, you, the user, are the driving force behind this new service.
Every visitor can submit, review and rate channels and videos with the goGOOROO team; if you decide to log in and start a profile, you even gain access to other cool functions like creating your own personal channel line-up and e-mailing it to friends.

When adding a new channel or video, your user name will be forever credited as the source for this particular channel�s discovery if you�re signed in as a GoGOOROO user.

Samstag, 29. September 2007

yoink’d mediabox the “delicious for video”

yoink’d mediabox can be thought of as “delicious for video"

What is “yoink’d mediabox?

Put simply, yoink’d mediabox can be thought of as “delicious for video” Our goals are not limited to social bookmarking. With yoink’d mediabox, you can:

  1. More easily organize and share media content online through an intuitive, simple interface
  2. Obtain faster, more accurate video search results through context-sensitive filtering
  3. View dynamic, “real-time” media content from your friends and yoink’d community

yoink’d mediabox is a simple media player that lets you:

  • Take: stream media from video aggregators (YouTube, Google Video)
  • Make: create custom playlists with your favorite videos
  • Share: send playlists to friends

yoink’d mediabox. your simple mediabox. all you ever need.


Samstag, 30. September 2006

Yeah . ..

Es war einmal . . . oder genauer; vor gar nicht all so langer Zeit konnte ich die wachsende Begeisterung der Video Plattformen wie YouTube und dererlei nicht einmal in Ansaetzen teilen, aber nun habe auch ich mich infizier lassen und gestehe mit Herrn W. Worten: . . . . und das ist gut so !


Dienstag, 5. September 2006

mein erster video test



Holy Moly


The revolution will be...
You will not be able to stay home, sisters...
When you fall down ...
"When you fall down... you get...
** source



User Status

zum CHECK IN bitte !

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