

Freitag, 14. Mai 2010

MP3tunes - Your Music Everywhere

Eine relevante Alternative zu den bekannten bekannten wie : Spotify , Simfy , Steereo waere MP3tunes Music Locker: Your Music Everywhere


Kostenfrei kann man 2GB for free an Kapazitat nutzen, was heissen mag, dass eigene Musicfiles uploadbar und on demand zu geniessen sind, was via iPhone (Airband app) wie auch Andoid APP realisierbar waere.

Feature Highlights

  • *Play your music collection anywhere
  • *Search or browse by song, artist or album
  • *Adjustable streaming settings for optimal playback
  • *FREE app!

**via Spotify , Simfy , Steereo or mp3tunes ?

Donnerstag, 3. Dezember 2009

Stereo8 is an internet radio


Stereo8 is an internet radio with a twist: the listeners share and choose the music

Freitag, 27. Juni 2008

What Is U-MYX?

What Is U-MYX?

U-MYX is an interactive music format.

It lets you make personalized mixes of major artists recordings, without requiring any specialist knowledge or equipment. Your mixes can then be shared online and bought as mobile phone ringtones.

Save and Share your Mixes

Once you've finished your mix- you can save and share it online.

It will appear on U-MYX.com, from where you can also get the HTML to embed our mix widget anywhere you like- such as on your Myspace page. They look like this- (SHOW ONE)

500M songs is surely enough to get Jogli

Wer den Tag ohne Kaffee und Music startet, ist entweder zu spaet dem Bett entstiegen oder hat keinen heimischen Internetzugang. In meinem Falle trifft weder das eine noch das andere zu.

Demzufolge bin ich recht begeistert von dem neuen Musicsammelsorium Jogli


Jogli - Big Web Great Music and What is the story behind www.jogli.com ?

It’s basically fulfilling a personal dream…
I wanted to make my dream of going to a web site or a music shop and get all the music I like for free – true. Well – now, it is true! In
http://www.jogli.com/ everybody can access half a billion songs and more then 12 million albums for free!

Schoene Abschlussworte: “ However, an inventory of 500M songs is surely enough to get Jogli foot in the door ” via

** Songza
** MeeMix
** Deezer
** SeeqPod

Donnerstag, 19. Juni 2008

YourSpins: Remix music / Blog your mix


YourSpins – ist ein nett anmutendes sozial network, welches sich dem remixen gewidmet.

What is YourSpins?

YourSpins is a new kind of music community for fans who want to immerse themselves in world of remixes. Within YourSpins, you'll be able to share your mixes of top songs with others, rate and comment on other mixes - and chat, mail and IM other people too. Plus you can make your own unique ringtones to be sent to your phone. Each user gets their own homepage, with all their mixes and ringtones listed. Soon, we'll introduce blogs for each user, but for now, all mixes can be exported to your own blog by pressing 'Blog this mix' on the mixpage.

Is it legal?

Yes - it's all legal. The copyright of the remix remains with the artist, but you have the right to remix it and host it on YourSpins or your own website/blog.

How does it work?

The artists provides the 'creative master' - the .di file. The .di file contains the song, divided into parts (e.g. intro, verse, chorus, break etc.). Each part has a number of channels and each channel contains extra material as supplied by the artist. This means that each part of the song could have, for instance, 4 basslines, 5 drum tracks and 7 basslines. The user can manually manipulate the song (using one of our free players) as it is playing to create their own remix of the track, or they can press the 'improvise' button to get a new version created using our special algorithms. Further description of how the players work are available in their own application help files. Once you are happy with the mix, it can be saved to your own page on YourSpins. N.B. saving to website is only activated with the online players at the moment

** download:

diMaker is the authoring software which allows artists to create tracks in the .di format. diMaker version 1.2 beta works in a similar way to most sound editing software.

It is designed to sit alongside standard tools like Logic, Cubase and ProTools rather than be a replacement for them. The authoring tool allows an artist, producer or remixer to add in extra content to a track (e.g., alternative drum lines, alternative guitar lines and alternative vocal lines), and it is from this extra content that all the possibilities of creating new versions of the track arise.

search music with maxiocio.net


Eine weitere Audio search engine called maxiocio

    • Lyrics Search
    • My Playlist
    • Recent Searches
    • Top Users
    • Embed Our Search

** trht- use the WEB for music

Dienstag, 10. Juni 2008

Grabb.it again

Bei dem Ueberangebot der Dienste rutscht so einige Web Rosine schnell ins Loch der Vergessenheit. So in meinem Fall zum Beispiel Grabb.it

Durch Anreihung von Mouseclicks bin ich wieder eimal auf dem blog von Chris Anderson “gestrandet”, der erwaehnten Music/ Blog Dienst recht rege in seinem Gerauch hat.

Siehe jchanimal - Tumbrl

Sonntag, 18. Mai 2008

1.FM - web Radio and more

 1.FM ist eine, fuer meinen Gebrauch spaerlich in ihrer Anwendung, musik basierte Platform, welche auch mobile genutzt werden kann.

"Streaming music nexis 1.FM, brings music to anywhere there is a connection. Forums, calendar, chat, and stream recorder are also available through the site, making 1FM a webservice you can dance to"

Samstag, 17. Mai 2008

Listen to our radio stations on your iPhone or iPod touch

musicradio - Listen to our radio stations on your iPhone or iPod touch


All you need is a Wi-Fi connection.

Music Downloads

Loved the last track but don't know the name? We show you the last 5 tracks played with the option to download from iTunes or purchase the CD from Amazon.

Listen Again

Missed Johnny & Denise, Classic FM's Book Review or that
P Diddy interview? Stream the best bits of your favourite shows from our Podcasts section.

FlyTunes delivers music, talk, weather, and traffic to portable devices


FlyTunes delivers music, talk, weather, and traffic to portable devices

FlyTunes is an independent company, not affiliated with Apple or any other media, technology or music company.
FlyTunes delivers music, talk, weather, and traffic to portable devices. Although FlyTunes is presently only available on the Apple iPhone and iPod touch, FlyTunes will be made available on all capable devices as they are released. Using our simulator on this site, you can also use FlyTunes on your computer.
FlyTunes Inc. was originally founded in 2006 as BroadClip Inc, and changed its name in January 2008. The company has offices in Livermore, CA and Lancaster PA.
FlyTunes was founded by a group of seasoned PC industry veterans to create cutting edge media management technology for portable digital media players.
In addition to the FlyTunes mobile content network, FlyTunes provides its patent-pending Hurricane streamcasting infrastructure to online broadcasters worldwide.


Holy Moly


The revolution will be...
You will not be able to stay home, sisters...
When you fall down ...
"When you fall down... you get...
** source



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zum CHECK IN bitte !

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