
Freitag, 28. Dezember 2007

Aphex Twin - Music Mashup

Ein kleines feines Mashup -> Aphex Twin

Ich zitiere :

"How ill is Aphex Twin with the beats? I've been listening to his work for about a decade now and none of it sounds dated. Maybe more heads will recognize if I throw some vocals on top... here we have some quality mashups including verses by Busta Rhymes, Peaches, Nas, TI, Daft Punk, Snoop Dogg, Q-Tip, Afrika Bambaataa, OC, and Kool Keith. Technically one of the instrumentals is co-produced by Squarepusher, but whatever. That dude is crazy too."

** derzeit Alpha Stadium: welches meinen Browser sometimes abschmieren laesst !

hooka - macht sich MS Feinde ?

Neben den bekannten "grossen" soc. Networks welche nebenher auch Musik getaucht, entstehen nebenher auch kleine Abkoemmlinge, welche eine Integration in selbige ermoeglichen, um etw. Verkaufszahlen zu steigern.

Hier waere zum Beispiel hooka zu nennen.

Eine erweiternde Beschreibung: via

MySpace blockiert aber auch Widgets, mit deren Hilfe Nutzer ohne Genehmigung werben oder Dinge verkaufen. Tila Tequila hatte auf ihrer Seite einen neuen Musikplayer und -Shop namens Hoooka http://www.hoooka.com des Start-ups Indie99 installiert, um ihr neues Album zu verkaufen. Einige Tage späaeer war das Widget verschwunden. "Wir finden es unglaublich ironisch und frustrierend, das ein Unternehmen, das sein Kapital auf dem Rücken seiner User aufgebaut hat, sich nun abwendet und den Menschen einredet, sie können nichts tun, was gegen die Nutzungsbedingungen verstoesst", empoert sich Justin Goldberg, Geschaeftsfuehrer von Indie99, in der New York Times.


SpinJay - The Playlist Exchange

Derzeit warte ich nachwie vor auf ein mich einladendendes Zeichen basierend von Spotify. Doch ohne jegliches mich zufriedenstellendes Resultat.

Deshalb richte ich meinen Musicblick vorerst auf SpinJay.

1. Request a Playlist

Let's say Jim wants some music for his big party next weekend. He logs on to SpinJay and types up something like this:

I'm having a huge party at my house next weekend, but I don't want to spend the money to hire a DJ. I don't have much music of my own, so I need some help here. This playlist needs to be about an hour long, with nonstop, exciting music. My ideal playlist would have a good mix of rock, techno, and pop, but don't let that hold you back if you have any other great ideas. There are going to be about 100 people there, so pick music that sounds good with the volume knob at 11. It doesn't have to be all mainstream music, but I don't want anything too weird.

Jim posts the request, spending a few of his points.

2. Create a Playlist

Anne, a fan of rock and dance music, sees Jim's request and thinks she has the perfect playlist. She browses through her song library for a bit, and comes up with a great playlist.
Jack also sees Jim's request, and submits a playlist of his own.

3. Vote on Playlists

Later, Chris, Julia, Scott, and Mike are browsing through requests, looking to make a few points. They see Jim's request, with Anne and Jack's playlists attached. Even though Jack's playlist is good, they think that Anne's playlist better fits what Jim wants, so they vote for Anne's playlist.

4. Enjoy!


Holy Moly


The revolution will be...
You will not be able to stay home, sisters...
When you fall down ...
"When you fall down... you get...
** source



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