

Donnerstag, 15. November 2007

Videovalve - the music Chanel

Ja nun, an sich hatte ich ihn heute schon an anderer Stelle erwaehnt .. Aber nun komme ich nicht umhin, dies wiederholt zu tun, denn folgende Page laesst mich nun mal an sein "Baby" denken . Etwas genauer popdeutschland (mogulus_chanel) 

The VideoValve is an online music video channel that generates a personalized playlist that you can fine-tune to your taste. The VideoValve is pretty smart and will get smarter the more you use it

indi. Sessionsound

Hier eine Flashbasierte Bedieneroberflaeche called session Sound

Mit Ihren Worten :

"..the independent in independent music mean something. Technology has always disrupted the status quo. It has created new industries and changed existing ones.And music is one industry which is ripe for changing. Technology has offered musicians an opportunity to connect directly to their fans and a whole spectrum of new audiences" session Sound

Montag, 12. November 2007

Radio Free Goombah

Twitter ist meine derzeitige kleine Ueberfluessigkeit des Netzes, welche ich nicht missen moechte ! Durch genannte wurde ich auf eine nette Music Page aufmerksam - um genau zu sein: Dank Herrn Patzig und dessen Twitter Hole


Das Ganze nennt sich Radio Free Goombah und ist for free to hear . .

Sonntag, 11. November 2007

Songza - find songs

Nette Angelegenheit


allows you to find songs, http://songza.com share them with your friends, and even create playlists

Dienstag, 6. November 2007

Soundboard - an innovative Web 2.0 community

Soundboard.com is the Internet's largest collection of audio soundbytes and soundboards. You can listen, download tracks (on enabled boards) or embed a board on your site, blog or profile.

But Soundboard.com is also an innovative Web 2.0 community that gives you all the tools you need to quickly and eaily create, customize, manage and share your very own soundboard. It's fast, easy and free!.

Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2007

Jamphetamines - Want to broadcast a message to the general community?

Ein kleines soziales Netzwerk, welches sich in die Niesche der Musik setzt un dvor allem, was selten zu lesen ist, seine Wurzeln in Indien hat:

Want to share you interests with others? Join a group or create one of your own. You can share videos and trade barbs in the group section.


Nennt sich "jamphetamines" und hat aus meiner Sicht gutes Potential . Derzeit noch recht unbekannt, somit sind die Rubriken recht ueberschaubar :)

Mittwoch, 24. Oktober 2007

PluggedIn - a Music Fan site !

In der Schublade Music Networks rumort es derzeit heftig ! Die Bedieneroberflaechen gewinnen an Gestaltung, das man versucht ist, das Wort Design zu gebrauchen !

Hier eine nette Page .

PluggedIn helps fans easily find the latest media and news from artists that matter most

� Explore Artist Profiles

� Collect Your Favorite Stuff

� Create Playlists on the Fly

� Share Them w/Anyone

Samstag, 20. Oktober 2007

Digitally Imported Radio - Free Internet Radio Stations

Digitally Imported Radio - Free Internet Radio Stations !
I could listen to this every day. .

Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2007

Hypemachine - all about Music !


Hypemachine; derzeit sehr sehr schleichend aber dennoch grandios in Sachen content !

"The Hype Machine follows music blog discussions.
Every day, thousands of people around the world write about music they love — and it all ends up here."

Song listings that appear on this website are automatically gathered from music blogs all over the internet. We do this to let people discover new artists, fall in love, buy their CDs and go to their shows.

**Do you list podcasts?

No, The Hype Machine does not list podcasts. Several excellent podcast directories are Yahoo Podcasts, Odeo and iTunes.

Jango - Musik im Netz

How Jango Works

Customize your stations

Choose 'Edit Station' from the dropdown in your player to add/remove artists and control songs.

** Vergleichbar mit  : Webdienst Fairtilizer - high 5 !


Holy Moly


The revolution will be...
You will not be able to stay home, sisters...
When you fall down ...
"When you fall down... you get...
** source



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