
Montag, 26. November 2007

podango - Free Podcast Hosting


Soeben strandete ich bei/ auf einer Webanwendnung namens Podango, welche in ihrer Erklaerung recht interessant erklingt:

Let Podango host your podcast. We'll insert a short advertisement at the beginning and the end, and then give you a portion of the revenue it generates. The more people are downloading your podcast, the more you earn.

What else do you get? Let us count the perks:
You get your own blog as part of your free account.
You can use our flash audio and video players on your own website, or you can use the page we create for your podcast.
Users can comment on your episodes on your podcast's page.
Users can leave video or audio castbacks, too.
Podcast spotlight - as you become more popular, you can get spotlit on the homepage, to help you get more listeners and reach that tipping point where the real money starts coming in.
You can still host your podcast somewhere else if you want. We're not tyrants - if you like the idea of comparing services, go for it.
You can choose which of our advertisers you want in your podcast, as long as you have at least one.

Demzufolge -> Registrierungs Routine, wobei sich herausstellte; ich Milchbroetchen bin seit einer halben Ewigkeit dort als Mitglied on Board . .


Holy Moly


The revolution will be...
You will not be able to stay home, sisters...
When you fall down ...
"When you fall down... you get...
** source



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