
Dienstag, 13. Mai 2008

Musicshake - start a mix

Am Pfingstwochenende starteten die Jungs von Soundcloud eine garndiose, Berlin typische Release-party. Der Sound war, zumindest in meiner Anwesensheitsdauer, der Startschuss viel gg. 14.00h, dies dennoch nicht fuer mich, denn ich war erst am abend anwesend, fuer Electro/ House Musen sicherlich eine Wonne.


Wer eventuell, einen eigenen MIX starten moechte, koennte dies mittles musicshake versuchen.

Musicshake, Inc. is the world's first on-line UGM (User Generated Music) creation solution that provides music composing solutions aimed at the general public (a.k.a. music dummies) without previous musical knowledge or expertise. Our service lets users create personalized, professional quality music using various music modules and proprietary pattern-combination methods. Musicshake is the easiest way to make music in the world and has been quoted by our users as 'the most addictive thing on your list of addictive things.'

JamsBio - The Story of Your Life Through Music

JamsBio - The Story of Your Life Through Music


" JamsBio.com was created by and for music lovers to exchange memories about life experiences and the music associated with them. We designed the site to appeal to everyone - from the casual music listener to the obsessive fan and everyone in between. At JamsBio, we know that people of all stripes love music and that we all have a story to share about the music we love.

Have you ever heard a song that immediately sparks a memory? Of course you have... we all have songs that spark a memory and enjoy memories that remind of us certain music. We believe that people naturally connect their life experiences with music. No matter your age or background, the power of music to trigger a memory and the desire to share that story with others is universal. "


Holy Moly


The revolution will be...
You will not be able to stay home, sisters...
When you fall down ...
"When you fall down... you get...
** source



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zum CHECK IN bitte !

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